

Traitement de la Sclérose Latérale Amyotrophique et pronostic
  • Traitement de la SLA avec des Cellules Souches
  • Phillip Reynold d'Espagne
Traitement par cellules souches des troubles du spectre autistique
  • Traitement de l’autisme à base de cellules souches
  • Mirabella from India
Thérapie par cellules souches pour les patients atteints de PPMS
  • Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (PPMS): The Hardest Nut to Crack Among 4 MS Types
  • Patrick Van Benthem from UK
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Francesca P.

This winter my father flew out to Swiss Medica in Slovenia to treat his type 2 diabetes. His treatment ...

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John H.

With my Relapsing-Remitting MS (EDSS 6.0) condition, I did not have many options regarding treatment, so I decided to ...

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Joseph J.

An amazing facility with a great staff. i have been to the clinic in Moscow 3 times and my ...

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Sébastien V.

My father has MS. He was diagnosed 10 years ago. He had 2 or 3 attacks per year in ...

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Nikolina K.

My husband has MS. He was diagnosed 10 years ago. The disease had progressed for the last year. We ...

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Dan P.

Our daughter she's from born with profound hypoacusia and we had only one option the cochlear implant.But after research ...

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