
Multiple Sclerosis / Meningoencephalitis Treatment for Patient from Finland

Salomeya from Finland Patient

My name is Salomeya and I’m from Finland and I am 46 years old and I came here because I got ill in 1992. (…) and I recovered quite well, but in year 2002. I started to have neurological problems and the doctors were not sure what was wrong and I never got a really good diagnose back then or now.

So, I read about stem cells on Google and searched more and I found Swiss Medica and I was very impressed because Swiss Medica was so openly sharing the service of their cases, so lots of interviews and people were telling how the therapy or treatment has been helping them.

I see. And tell me please, before you started treatment here, in this clinic, what symptoms did you have, at the beginning?

At the beginning… OK, at first, it was hard for me to focus, generally, and my head felt really foggy all the time and I had coordination problems on my legs and hands and my balance was very poor.

What about fatigue, your hand writing?

Oh yes! My fatigue… I was very fatigued. I couldn’t write that well, but yeah… It started to get better.

And did you feel any pain? Some weird headache, backache?

Yeah, I had constantly headache, like every day and my neck was very stiff and I had back pains too. And it was hard for me to sit for a long time.

I see. So you had 12 days treatment here, yeah? What can you say, at the end? Tomorrow you are leaving our clinic. What can you about changed that you felt for this period of time?

Well, at first I got rid of my headache, I’m more focused and my head doesn’t feel foggy anymore. I can write OK, so my handwriting is getting back or getting better and my balance is also getting better. And my legs are working better, yeah.

You told that you can spend more time in a wheelchair, while you sit.

Yes, it doesn’t hurt my back as much as it used to. It used to be comfortable to sit just for one hour earlier and now I can sit in my wheelchair maybe 3 or 4 hours and it goes much better. And I can feel that my back muscles are working much better now.

And can you tell us, when you came here what diagnose did you have, before coming here? Because your case is really very serious, it is a combination, yes?

Yes, I had MS diagnose and then I had also chronic meningitis or encephalitis diagnose.

So these are two main diagnosis. And here, in clinic, did you find out any new problems that you have in your body, after diagnostic? Different infection diseases, virus diseases? Have you learned anything?

Well, you run lots of tests here and I found out that I don’t have MS disease and you found out that I have toxoplasmosis and started to treat that.

What can you say, for example, here, behind me, there are people who want to come and who have some hesitations, because it’s another country etc.

Yeah, it’s a huge leap to go to another country.

And what can you suggest to future patients?

Well the accommodation has been very good here and people are really helpful and nice all the time and trying their best and it’s amazing that doctors are treating the whole patient, not just the symptoms, like normally, and that’s really good. I highly recommend it to people, to come here and try this treatment and I’m a firm believer that this will work.

You believe that it will work?


And the first signs of this we can see, yeah?

Yeah, just in a few days.

And as for the method of treatment, you had here stem cells for the first time in your life? And tell me please, for those people who are afraid of doing stem cells, of these kind of procedures and they’re hesitating between conventional medicine and stem cells, as a new kind of treatment, new kind of technology. What can you say about your experience, having stem cells therapy?

I think that stem cells are really safe and good method to treat different kind of problems and patients. People really should give it a try. They won’t be disappointed. I’m not. I’m really happy I came here.

You are here as a mother, to support your daughter. You weren’t here at the beginning, but almost towards the middle of the treatment. How can you estimate the result that Salomeya achieved for this period of time? How can you estimate it?

To compare the situation at home, I’m very pleased, really. The changes are not that great, but still, something has happened and I really believe in the stem cells.

I see, thank you.

And I need to add that after I was talking with my husband on the phone and he said welcome back, it’s nice that you came back and you are thinking like you used to do and not foggy all the time and losing your focus all the time and tired.

So your husband could catch the difference, even in your voice, ideas, plans, yes?


You haven’t told it before?

Ah, sorry.

It’s very interesting, really. Because for us, we can see here patients for a short period of time. But people who are close with them see them constantly and if they see the difference then it means that the changes are really obvious and huge, if they can compare. Thank you very much.

And if you don’t mind, can you say the same information in Finish.

OK, I’ll try.

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Multiple Sclerosis / Meningoencephalitis Treatment for Patient from Finland
Dr. Aleksandra Fetyukhina, MD

Medical Advisor, Swiss Medica doctor

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