
Anti-Ageing Treatment with Stem Cells


Ageing is a complex process, which worsens and slows down metabolic and regenerative functions in the body. It results in both visible and internal signs, plus symptoms such as skin dryness and the loss of its elasticity, accumulation of fats, immune system decline, wearing-away of joints, an increased level of inflammation and others. The process is accompanied by, and triggers, various age-induced diseases.

The ageing process is associated with a decline in the number of stem cells, which are the source of regenerative potential for damaged tissue or worn-out cells. An approach based on stem cell transplant for anti-aging can improve health and appearance and may increase life expectancy. Let’s learn more about current approaches, stem cell and anti-aging, and the expected results.

Anti-Ageing Treatment with Stem Cells
Ageing is a complex natural process, and one of its key aspects is the gradual loss of the body’s stem cells, which are the source of regenerative potential for damaged tissue or worn-out cells. 

Current approaches to anti-ageing treatments

Humankind’s life expectancy has increased, and considerable progress in the extension of life has been made in the last 50 to 70 years. However, at the same time, the desire to look young has reached an unprecedented level. Medical science and cosmetology constantly improve their armoury of anti-ageing care, focusing on two different but complementary approaches – to provide a healthy answer to ageing and prolong visual youth.

How to look younger

At any age, the beauty and appeal of a person are determined by healthy skin and hair. Cosmetology offers various approaches to achieve this goal. However, most of them provide only short-term effects which might not always be visible, and also, can have undesirable results. 

Anti-Ageing Treatment with Stem Cells
The difference between the skin of a young and older person. The destruction of collagen and elastin fibres, plus the lack of hyaluronic acid (which binds water) are the key characteristics of aged skin, and the reason for wrinkle formation, dryness, lack of turgor and elasticity. When it comes to stem cell for anti-aging, before and after may differ significantly.
  1. Laser skin resurfacing

Depending on the type of laser, this allows the removal of scars, warts and deep wrinkles, plus the treatment of rosacea, spider veins, age spots and acne. The laser stimulates collagen synthesis in the deep layers of the skin.

A dermatologist or physician should explain the benefits and the possible side effects of the specific laser. The most common complications are:

  • Burning, redness and rash;
  • Bumps;
  • Swelling;
  • Infection;
  • Hyperpigmentation and scars.
  1. Wrinkle Injections

The injection of approved fillers that give volume to the skin and smooth it may also stimulate natural collagen synthesis. Though the safety data for this product is mostly positive, they are known for the increased risk of allergic reactions, granulomas and bumps under the skin which is not common for stem cell anti-aging injections.

  1. Antioxidants

These molecules neutralise free radicals that are generated during exposure to the sun and pollution and affect the structure of the skin and its protective function. The human body has an antioxidant system, but its ability to protect against free radicals wears off over time. Antioxidants are promoted as an ingredient in skincare products and dietary supplements. However, studies have failed to demonstrate the benefits of antioxidants.

  1. Peptides

Peptides are small molecules with the same structure as proteins. They consist of a chain of amino acids, which determine their function. Recently, several peptides that stimulate collagen production, promote skin regeneration, and reduce wrinkle formation were found and became the main ingredients of anti-ageing cosmetology procedures and skincare products. Despite their efficacy in model studies, they have a rather low ability to penetrate the skin and are destroyed by enzymes.

  1. Vitamin A

A study of approximately 40 elderly participants revealed that the topical application of retinol lotion improves the appearance of skin and smooths out fine wrinkles. The effect was caused by an increase in collagen production and the impact of glycosaminoglycan, which is known to retain a substantial level of water. Some retinoids – the modification of vitamin A – were approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of photo-damaged skin and acne. However, the use of retinol-containing products may cause a so-called ‘retinoid reaction’. The side effects include pruritus (itching), burning sensation, erythema (redness) and desquamation (skin peeling).

  1. Anti-ageing sunscreens

UV radiation plays one of the key roles in skin ageing, termed photo ageing. UVA rays are responsible for the degradation of elastin and collagen and therefore decrease the rigidity and elasticity of the skin. Exposure to UVA rays leads to the wrinkling of the skin. UVB rays account for most of the harmful effects of solar exposure. Sunscreens are chemical agents that act as a shield from harmful UV rays. They help prevent premature ageing and decrease the risk of skin cancer. Researchers are focused on the creation of natural sunscreens, including those which utilise photosynthetic microorganisms (for example, cyanobacteria). They are also investigating anti-ageing creams that contain sun protection ingredients. Sunscreens should be carefully selected, as they may contain ingredients which cause hormonal changes and photoallergy (e.g. oxybenzone). They can also cause local and systemic toxic reactions (nanoparticles), photocarcinogenesis (p-aminobenzoic acid – PABA), as well as oedema, erythema and irritation (e.g. preservatives, fragrances, and other excipients).

How to feel younger

  1. Nutrition

Calorie and dietary restrictions, which have been shown to prolong lifespan in animal and cell models (mice, yeasts) did not show convincing results in primates, perhaps due to differences in dietary nutrient composition. Some studies have supported the anti-ageing effect of a traditional Mediterranean diet. They have shown that products, such as dark chocolate, red wine, nuts, beans and avocados may be referred to as anti-ageing foods, due to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

  1. Regular physical activity

Moderate but regular physical activity helps to manage age-related changes in all body systems (musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, digestive, urogenital system and others). It can also improve mental health, including memory and thinking.

Anti-Ageing Treatment with Stem Cells
Regular moderate physical activity helps you stay healthy at any age.
  1. Blood rejuvenation

Recently this approach for tissue rejuvenation, which transfers blood from young donors (parabiosis), was proposed based on animal studies. In 2008, scientists at Stanford reported that parabiosis between young and old mice restored muscle and liver cells in the aged mice. Later growth differentiation factor 11 (GDF-11) was identified as the element responsible for the rejuvenating effects in muscles, blood vessels and neurons of the brain. The same factors were found in human blood, but, so far, there are no convincing results: transfusions from younger donors do not show a favourable outcome on the survival rate of older patients.

The application of stem cells in anti-aging treatment

Regenerative medicine offers a modern approach, to turning back the clock of ageing by 10-15 years, in terms of health and appearance. For this, cellular products are used, and multipotent mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) as stem cell anti-aging injections are the most promising and popular.

MSCs are stem cells which are present in many tissues and organs of the adult body and can be easily obtained for clinical purposes. They can differentiate into a variety of cell types:

  • Fibroblasts – cells of connective tissue which are found throughout the body and produce the extracellular matrix, collagen, growth factors and cytokines;
  • Neuronal cells;
  • Endothelial cells, which form the walls of the blood vessels;
    plus others.

These cells can migrate to areas of acute and chronic inflammation and injury sites and are responsible for producing biologically active chemical factors (including cytokines, growth factors and microRNA). All the above-listed functions determine the critical role of MSCs in tissue healing and regeneration. The advantageous features of MSCs may be used for ageing prevention and reverse age-related changes, both visible and internal.

Anti-Ageing Treatment with Stem Cells
Mesenchymal stem cells (here – bone marrow-derived) can migrate to the injured tissue, stimulated by various mechanical and chemical factors. At the site of damaged tissue, MSCs perform wound healing through two key roles: the paracrine mechanism (mostly) and/or direct differentiation.

Cumulative chronic inflammation and oxidative stress are two main elements associated with most age-related chronic disease states and in the normal ageing process. Systemically and locally introduced for anti-age, stem cells modulate inflammation and manage oxidative stress, with this being widely observed.

How do stem cells slow the ageing process?

With regard to biochemical processes in the skin, the potential of anti-aging via cell regeneration cannot be overestimated. It is known that collagen production decreases in both chronological ageing and photo ageing. Collagen is the main protein of the connective tissue and is responsible for turgor, firmness and elasticity of the skin. The blood supply to the skin also reduces with age, so the skin lacks nutrition, gas exchange decreases, and free radicals accumulate and impact cell regeneration.

MSCs have been shown to stimulate the growth of the capillary network and produce collagen and elastin. As a result, they exhibit the potential to restore blood supply and gas exchange, increasing the regenerative potential of the skin, plus other tissues and organs of the body which decline with age.

Anti-ageing effects of mesenchymal stem cells

Aged tissues have a limited stem cell reservoir, a decreased population and low renewal efficiency. By being introduced to the body for stem cell age reversal, MSCs can replenish the supply of these cells and the above-listed properties contribute to external and internal improvements, such as:

  1. Healthy and rejuvenated skin.
  2. A decrease in the visible signs of ageing.
  3. An increase in a person’s general health status.
  4. A boost in energy.
  5. An improvement in overall well-being.

Therefore, the complex effects of stem cell therapy lay both at a deep level and on the body’s surface.

Contact us

With stem cells, anti-aging becomes a controlled process. Contact a medical advisor at the Clinic to learn what results you can expect from stem cell anti-aging treatment and its cost.

Anti-Ageing Treatment with Stem Cells
Dr. Aleksandra Fetyukhina, MD

Medical Advisor, Swiss Medica doctor

The results of Swiss Medica patients

Adriana, 55 years old, from Italy

“Before stem cell therapy, my mental and physical slowdown was a big hurdle. At the age of 50, I started to feel my knee and ankle joints wearing out, my memory slowing down and there was a lack of energy. I also suffered from disorders of the digestive process, and my skin was becoming dry and loose. By 3 p.m., I could hardly make my brain work, but now, my creative juices are flowing all the time.”


  • Pain in knee and ankle joints;
  • Slowing down of memory;
  • Lack of energy and decrease in work performance;
  • Dry skin;
  • Digestive disorders.

Results after stem cell-based therapy:

  • Shining, clear, resilient skin;
  • No joint pain;
  • Memory sharpened;
  • Mood Improvement;
  • Increased energy.

Lynn H., 53 years old

Meet Lynn Hardy, a naturopath, nutritional consultant, founder of The Aging Games Youtube channel, and the author of two books. At the Clinic, she got her own stem cells, which were stored 12 years ago frozen in a bank. These cells were cultivated to a large amount and prepared for therapy. 

“For me, using my own stem cells is really about prevention, about staying healthy. I believe in my body’s own ability to heal itself. I just want to combine both the health and the aesthetic parts of stem cell usage. It’s just a kind of investing in your future.”

Within several days of the treatment, the following improvements were observed:

  • Improvement of skin quality;
  • Relief in menopause symptoms;
  • Increased energy and mood level;
  • Improved sleep.

In addition to stem cells, anti-aging program for the patient also included hereditary hair loss prevention, osteoporosis prevention, etc. 

And here is the treatment process video diary of Lynn from day 0 to day 6. It includes:

  1. The goals of the treatment.
  2. How the procedures of stem cell injections and IV infusions were performed.
  3. What were the additional therapies, and what the indications for them are.
  4. Stem cell for anti-aging: the cost and is it worth it.
  5. The overall review and impressions of staying at the Clinic as a patient.

Treatment procedures

The most frequently used source for cell products is bone marrow, adipose tissue, skin and gingiva (gums). Cells are obtained under local anaesthesia. In some cases, donor cells from a placenta or umbilical cord may be used, instead of or together with the patient’s cells.

Before administration to the patient’s body as part of cell therapy for anti-age, the collected cells are processed (extracted from tissue fragments and then multiplied to reach a therapeutic dose – tens or hundreds of millions of cells). Donor cells are ready for use instantly.

As part of the therapy, the cell product is administered to the body. There are two main routes of administration:

  1. Systemic: the cell product is injected intravenously (IV) via a drip.
  2. Local: cells are administered at the area of the pathological process.

Both routes may be utilised to ensure the most beneficial results for the patient.

All treatment procedures are performed in compliance with international quality standards (GTP – good tissue practice, GLP – good laboratory practice), to ensure all aspects are safe for the patients and cell product.

How long does the treatment’s effect last?

Improvements in stem cells for anti-aging may be observed in one to two weeks, with a further positive trend. Depending on the initial physical condition of the person treated with stem cells, concomitant diseases, lifestyle and the selected treatment programme, the effect of the therapy may last from six months to several years. A more precise forecast of the expected results in anti-aging through cell regeneration may be compiled based on a comprehensive examination.

Contact us

Contact our medical advisor to receive a customised stem-cell based anti-ageing programme.

Anti-Ageing Treatment with Stem Cells
Dr. Aleksandra Fetyukhina, MD

Medical Advisor, Swiss Medica doctor

List of References

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Medical Advisor, Swiss Medica doctor

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