
Multiple Sclerosis Patient from Scotland After Stem Cell Treatment

Janice Kurtbrite from UK, Scotland Patient

Hello, my name is Janice Kurtbrite, I’m from Scotland. I’ve had MS for 25 years, I was diagnosed 25 years ago. I can trace it back to at least 28 years ago. I was diagnosed with Relapsing-Remitting initially and then it changed to Secondary-Progressive.

I’ve tried with this stem cell treatment in the past, bone marrow, and I also tried adipose stem cell treatment as well. I’ve come to Swiss Medica in Moscow to be treated and I’ve had so many procedures. I’ve had umbilical cord, I’ve had donated bone marrow, I’ve had my own bone marrow, adipose fat as well and I also had my blood pendacite s taken out. Pendacites are very good for repairing tissues.

I’ve been here for 2 weeks and I’ve come to the end of my 2 week stay and I’m hoping to see lots of improvements over the coming months.

And you saved your own fat for stem cells for all of your life?

The adipose stem cells coming from my own fat, that was injected back in, it was also taken away to be expanded, multiplied and it will be saved until later date. So I can come back 3-6 months and have that injected back in. And the bone marrow, same applies for the bone marrow. That will be taken out to be expanded, gown, multiplied and I can come back at later date to have that injected back in, as well.

My experience so far here, with the doctors, nurses and all the staff has been brilliant. Very professional, very caring, wanting to do their best to help you.

And how do you feel now?

This morning I left my room, went out for a lunch, walked down the corridor really well, then two flights of stairs at the front door, went to the restroom, which was up three steep steps, managed that, came back, in the door, along the corridor, up two flights of stairs. So, I’m doing really well.

OK. Peter, maybe you want to add something?

Yeah, it’s been a great experience here. We’ve been to India and America and Janice has had stem cell therapy and nothing has been as thorough and as professional as we’ve had the treatment here. And it’s all been very well explained and very professional, so we are hoping for the best. And we hope to report back soon with some great news.

I said to my friend, it’s far superior to any other treatment I’ve tried in the past. And I believe that, I definitely believe that. Far superior.


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Multiple Sclerosis Patient from Scotland After Stem Cell Treatment

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Multiple Sclerosis Patient from Scotland After Stem Cell Treatment
Dr. Aleksandra Fetyukhina, MD

Medical Advisor, Swiss Medica doctor

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