
Multiple Sclerosis Stem Cell Treatment Patient Story

Kassim Hammami from UK, London Patient

My name is Kassim Hammami, I’m from London and I’m 31 years old. I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2008., even though things have triggered in 2002., my energy shrunk. And for 6 years I didn’t know what was going on, by body was declining and playing up.

Me and my family went for many alternative therapies and I was trying to use penicillin and stuff like that and then doctor finally came to the conclusion and he was trying to ask us what was going on, they didn’t even know themselves, and then finally they gave me diagnoses of MS.

And what were the symptoms, at the beginning, when you found out about it?

In the beginning there was a lot of misbalance, balance was out swinging from side to side and stuff. And just over the years, I’ve started feeling pain and weakness in the left side of my body. I had to swing my leg around instead of walking step by step. I would actually walk and then bring my other leg around. I’ve been reaching with my right hand, but bottom of my left hand was kind of refrained and it stayed back.

How did you make the decision to come over to Swiss Medica for stem cell therapy?

A couple of years ago I found out about it. There was a lot of talk of people saying, (…) online and stuff. So I kind of let that idea go. And then my sister, she kind of reminded me about it, so I looked into it again. I saw a number of testimonials and I thought this sounds like a very serious thing, so I decided I wanted to participate and found out what more I could do for myself.

Thank you very much, it’s good. And how long have you been staying with us?

I came here on the 12th of November and it’s now the 24th here. I’ve spent my birthday here, which was on the 15th and it was good. I mean, I’ve had a concert pianist, it was a lot of people and I came through with a birthday cake and a card and presents… I’m really thankful for that, it really put smile on my face. So I got to spend my birthday in Russia, because I’ve been on this journey for many, many years. And now that I’ve come to the pinnacle on the journey, I’m feeling like “Yes, everything’s happening now at the right time”.

OK, thank you very much. How is important to, liked you showed to us, especially you have a book, how also is important to believe in yourself in the combination? Also in treatment.

Well, for me personally, it’s always been a thing where like, things have differentiated over the years and obviously I’ve experienced a lot of weakness in my body and everything, but I never let that stop me.

And for tomorrow, if you can tell us about procedure?

Basically, the stem cell therapy began on a 23rd, which was yesterday, where (…) stem cells in my umbilical cord, in my stomach area. And then tomorrow it’s going to be another day where they’re gonna take the stem cells from my umbilical cord and adipose tissue…

Adipose tissue.

Oh, it’s mainly adipose tissue…

And bone marrow.

Yeah, yeah. Adipose and bone marrow and basically re-inject it and just get me back on my feet really, which I’m really, really happy about.

Absolutely, absolutely. You will. OK.

So, before it was a misunderstanding, right? Before you thought you having the first procedure, it was adipose and bone marrow. But first procedure was umbilical cord. So you understand that?

Yes, I understand that now that they started with the umbilical cord and building up from my adipose tissue, first of all. So now I have a full understanding about the treatment.

OK. That’s good.

I’ve come here to Swiss Medica, been staying here for the past 21 days and things have been working out really well for me. I mean, previously before I have MS (…) with kind of pain causing (…) on the left side of my body, on my left leg, on my left arm. But since I’ve had the treatment, I had 6 types of stem cells. My leg now feels more relaxed and I’m able to bend it more, so that my arm feels a bit more easy to move, which goes through the muscle in it. (…)

The staff here have been really, really excellent. They’re very helpful and they like just come here and even helped me eat my food and helped me with washing and stuff. It’s just so good. It’s just so good here, in Moscow. The doctors understand everything as well. You can speak to them and they have valuable information, which they are willing to share with the patient, there’s no speaking to the colleagues in their own language.

So, things are very good and I’ve started learning a little bit of Russian here. But ah, this is wicked so I wanna say thank you to everybody to Konstantin, Dr Vasily, Dr Aleksandra, Marima, Svetlana, that’s her name I think…To everyone, I just wanna thank everyone for my time here.

And I wanna give a big thank you to my dad and I wanna shout out my two people who’ve come with me. My sister, who reminded me about this clinic, I looked into it before and I disregarded and then she reminded me to look into it again.

And another thing I’ve noticed as well, well a lot of people have noticed, and now I’m noticing as well, that since the treatment my speech has become more clearer, more understandable. So, I’m just looking forward to further and further development. So thank you. Thank you Swiss Medica, thank you family, thank you friends and thank you all for supporting me and following my story on Facebook.

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Multiple Sclerosis Stem Cell Treatment Patient Story
Dr. Aleksandra Fetyukhina, MD

Medical Advisor, Swiss Medica doctor

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