
Patient with 26 years of MS – Results after Stem Cell treatment

Karen Ann Moss from UK Patient

My name is Karen Moss, I’m from Bedfordshire. I’ve had MS since I was 17. Been to (…) for 10 years, didn’t help. Came to Moscow, fantastic, wicked people, really helpful, always here to help. Good physio, nice foot massage. Drugs not painful at all. Brilliant, brilliant. Brilliant! Do it!

Right, hello! This is Karen, my wife. She’s 43. My name is Russell, I am 46. Karen’s had MS since 17. She had a seizure at 17 and then they had the MRI and that’s when we found out she had blobs on her myelin sheath.

The UK have tried we don’t know if that worked or not. But it came to a stage about 10 years ago when they said to Karen “Go home, we can do nothing more”. That’s it. Just go home and live with MS. And the UK have done absolutely nothing for her whatsoever.

So I looked online for stem cells and I found Swiss Medica, so I spoke to… Is it Shaun Lawrence? I think it’s Shaun Lawrence and he persuaded us that it is the best step to go to. So we came and the place is wonderful. The people, they can’t be more friendly. Every video says that, “oh they can’t be more friendly”, but they are absolutely fantastic. There has been no pain whatsoever, is there?

No, not at all.

She’s had 3 different types of stem cell treatment. No reactions, no nothing. It’s been superb. And now we’ve god to wait for…

And Moscow’s brilliant.

Yes. We have to wait a month to 6 months to see whether changes are gonna happen, we’re excited about that. Yeah, superb!

And positive.

Positive, positive. But if you’re coming from the UK, bring marmalade and marmite. Very important. The supermarket’s 5 minutes from here, it’s not a problem, is it?


And it’s good.

And it’s a nice walk.

A nice walk. And yeah, it’s been fantastic.

And Starbucks. There is a Starbucks.

And Starbucks. Very important. Yep. Thank you very much.

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Patient with 26 years of MS - Results after Stem Cell treatment
Dr. Aleksandra Fetyukhina, MD

Medical Advisor, Swiss Medica doctor

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