
Therapy for MND Patient

Margaret from UK Patient

Good afternoon Darrel! Tell us please why are you in Moscow, at Swiss Medica at the moment?

I’m in Moscow because my mum has degenerative disease, motor neuron diseases or MND. I first noticed my mum’s symptoms 5 years ago. We thought my mother have had a stroke, it wasn’t a stroke.

We went to see various specialists in the UK and we ended up in Oxford, underneath professor Toulbath, who diagnosed my mum with MND.

Basically he told us to go out and enjoy my mum while we had her. We obviously tried to do our research and find anything that we could that would help. We went to America, we had some stem cells in America, but it wasn’t the right place. Basically, I think it was money-spinning.

And then my daughter found Swiss Medica and we’ve been coming here for 3 and a half years. And my mum is evened out, (…) we knew she would, because of the muscles in her throat, but apart from that, my mum is doing OK. We come 3 times a year for stem cells and she’s doing good, very even. We were only given 18 months, and now we’re far (?), so I’m happy with it. As long as we can maintain it, we’re gonna to that.

And you as a son, what first symptoms could you observe as the disease started? What were the symptoms?

Slowing her voice, chocking episodes, falling, tripping, all of that sorts of things.

I see. And here you are for 7 days treatment program. What was the treatment like? What types of cells did Margaret have during this period?

Margaret had blood donor cells, I believe, I think she also had umbilical cord cells and I think she’s had some (…) cells as well, which were grown here. And I believe she also had ex vivo expanded, from donors. Actually, she responded well to it when we first came to the clinic this time, my mum really, really struggled going up and down stairs. (…), but my mum managed the stairs and I think my mum will progress even more when we get her home in her own environment. At the moment, everything that we could ask for is being done here.

Can you say some words for patients who have this disease or anything or any other kind of neurological disease, about coming here? Because going to any foreign country, especially Russia, patients can hesitate, if to go or not. What can you say, are you satisfied with everything here? Conditions, staff…

We’ve been coming to Russia now for 3 years and basically the conditions are A1, the treatment is A1, the doctors and nurses really look after my mum and I wouldn’t hesitate to come here for one minute. If you can afford to do it, because for a lot of people it does come down to financials. In the OK we’re off it, that chance.

Obviously a lot of doctors are, I won’t say against stem cells, but they try to talk you out of stem cells. For us, we made the right decision. (…), in England we were given 18 months. I’m happy. If we can go on, what more could I ask for? I’ve still got my mum, we’ve still got each other as a family and we’re fighting it. In England, you’re not offered that, you’ve told “Go home and enjoy what you’ve got.”

So, Russia? I wouldn’t hesitate to come to Russia. I wouldn’t hesitate to go to the Moon, if it’s gonna help me. But here, Swiss Medica has help us, make us comfortable, make us welcom and above all, look after my mum.

Thank you very much for this high estimation, thank you and hope that Margaret will be stable.

I hope so and I hope to be back and see you again in March.

Thank you.

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Therapy for MND Patient
Dr. Aleksandra Fetyukhina, MD

Medical Advisor, Swiss Medica doctor

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