
Stroke Treatment with Stem Cells for Australian patient

Paul from Australia Patient

Hello, my name is Paul. I’m from Australia. Four years ago I suffered a stroke in the medulla. It left me with the weakened left-hand side body and I was told that I would never walk again. After research, after research, after research… I was lucky enough to stumble upon the Swiss Medica clinic.

Stem cell research fascinated me and the involvement in using stem cells to repair damage of the brain after a stroke was something I was very interested in. Although, I was at first skeptical, after speaking with the people at Swiss Medica, I finally made the decision that I would come here and have the treatment and see what would happen.

I had absolutely no expectations whatsoever. I didn’t believe it would work, I didn’t believe that it wouldn’t work and I didn’t wanna set myself up for disappointment. But after the first two days of treatment, small miracles began to happen. The spastics in my left leg disappeared. The strength in my left hand equaled my right hand. The weakness in my left hip disappeared. My lower back muscles have relaxed to a point where my walking has improved by 70%.

And after the stem cell treatments I feel as though I’m finally getting better, and I wasn’t meant to have any signs of any recovery at this early stage of the treatment.

The staff here are fantastic. There is no barrier between languages. They’re extremely professional, they’re extremely passionate about what they do and they make everything so much more reassuring. I have not had one day of regret coming here and I am more than happy with the results that I’ve achieved to date and yet we still have 6 to 12 months of the stem cells to do their job. So, who knows… In 3 months, in 6 months, in my mind, I’m gonna get back to 100%.

what I’m most looking forward to is returning to Australia and going back to see my doctors and my neurologists and my physiotherapists, who told me that stem cell treatment for strokes was a waste of time. I’d love to see the look on their faces when I walk in.

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Stroke Treatment with Stem Cells for Australian patient
Dr. Aleksandra Fetyukhina, MD

Medical Advisor, Swiss Medica doctor

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