
Stem Cell Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis Review. Carla’s Story

Carla Wallace Clark, the UK. Patient

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic and progressive neurological illness that causes lesions in the brain and spinal cord. A person with MS suffers from a condition in which the immune system attacks, damages, and destroys cells of the central nervous system (CNS). MS can cause symptoms like weakness, stiffness, muscle spasms, blurred vision, vertigo, and dizziness. Stem cell therapy treats conditions using stem cells. This helps cure MS. This article provides a review on stem cell therapy for multiple sclerosis and ms success stories.

Carla’s story of MS. How the disease manifested

Carla: My name is Carla Wallace Clark, and I’m an MS sufferer. I was diagnosed back in 2015, in April, and very quickly I went down here. I was diagnosed with relapsing-remitting MS.

I used to think that it was in my head, and so then I would try and do things and then not fall over. But it wasn’t in my head, it was really happening. You know incidences tripping over a piece of string, not making it to the learning time, not being able to get out of bed… I’m just getting out and collapsing on the floor just all these silly things that happen, and it’s not just you. I was suffering unnecessarily because there is something else there. And I still don’t understand why they didn’t think I could have disease-modifying drugs, but you know what, they made me a favor.

Limitations in Carla’s daily life due to MS

I was diagnosed in April, and by August I was bedridden. By the time we returned from our holiday, I was literally confined to my bed. I couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t take my children to school, I couldn’t do any extracurricular activities with them. I couldn’t cook for them, I couldn’t look after them, I couldn’t do any housework. I was good for nothing.”

“MS nurses and my neurologist said that I wasn’t ill enough to be prescribed disease-modifying drugs and I have just to look after myself. We found it very hard to live with because MS had marred every aspect of my life from my underwear, from the clothes I wear, from the shoes that I had to wear, from the activities that I did, and through the food that I ate. It might be absolutely every aspect of my life. So it was causing a lot of distress.” 

The WHO created a model to explain sickness at different levels of functioning. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) framework (WHO, 2001) can help understand MS’s influence on overall functioning. This classification comprises “body structure and function (impairments), “activity limitation” and “participation restriction”. It also encompasses personal and environmental elements that affect a person’s capacity to operate and participate in society. Thus, physical limitations in MS (weakness, spasticity, tremors, coordination issues) and cognitive impairments (memory, processing speed) might limit activity (driving, managing finances, self-care) and restrict participation (work, social integration, and family roles). These constraints may cause the patient and his/her family discomfort and loneliness. Personal factors such as age, exercise adherence, attitude, comorbid conditions, and contextual ones such as social support and financial resources influence functional limitations and quality of life. An account of a patient review from stem cell therapy for patients with MS is narrated in the subsequent paragraphs.

Why Carla decided to try stem cell therapy for MS

From the beginning, I was told I had relapsing-remitting MS. But because my situation wasn’t bad enough, they couldn’t prescribe any medication for me, I was told that I’d have to have two serious relapses within a two-year period before they would prescribe any disease-modifying drugs for me. And I was told to take care of myself, which I tried through a diet. I tried other things, like yoga and acupuncture, just to try and help myself. But slowly, I was deteriorating. I finally convinced my neurologist to take another MRI scan to see if my condition was worsening.

After three months of waiting for those results, I was told that the lesions weren’t getting any worse. It wasn’t progressing. But that my MS, instead of being relapsing-remitting MS, he believes I was having a change to secondary progressive, multiple sclerosis. And they said, ‘As we know, there isn’t anything really on the medical market’. And there wasn’t really anything they could do for me. So, in my mind, he was telling me that I had to just sit and wait. I didn’t believe that it was right for a 45-year-old woman with three young children to sit and wait for things to get worse.

In April, a documentary came on TV about stem cell therapy, and it was the only thing that gave a spark. I thought we could do this. Through family members, we got to hear about Shaun and his experience. After seeing that documentary, we set up a meeting for me to meet Shaun. He told me about Swiss Medica, and what’s happened to him. From then on, it was almost plain sailing without the nervousness and the unknown going to unknown.

What were the difficulties and concerns regarding stem cell therapy?

Deciding to have stem cell therapy and go to Moscow was a decision that we didn’t take lightly. It took a couple of months to really make the decision and then actually go for it. The reason being, we’ve got three children. And we’ve never left the children before. So that was a thing that really scared me more than anything else. Then we decided the only time my husband could get off work was over Christmas. So, then that was another biggie. And again, we had to really decide that this was definitely the thing for us.

I was dying, and I took my time, and we discussed it with our families. And eventually, we made the decision that was the only way forward; that was our option. We either do nothing, or we do something. So, once we met Shaun and learned of his experience, we realized that stem cell therapy was the only way forward for us.

So, when we finally did decide to go, it was all systems go. And then, once we got started, we never looked back.

First treatment at Swiss Medica in 2016. How was the treatment process, and what were the impressions.

Swiss Medica was brilliant from start to finish, from booking the tickets, getting the visas, sorting everything out, taking down my difficult dietary requirements, everything they took into consideration. And then when we arrived in Moscow, we were looked after from start to finish. The care was incredible. We really felt we were completely at ease from the minute we arrived. Even my husband was looked after, our diet, my dietary requirements met on the gluten-free, wheat-free, dairy-free, meat-free. And instead of just giving us both the diet, the meal meant for me, they catered individually for Ben as well. And they didn’t have to do that.” 

When I’d seen that the nurses responded straight away on another, somebody else’s testimonial. We thought oh, well, they’re just doing that for the sake of it. But when we got there, I kid you not, within 30 seconds of pressing the buzzer, a nurse was always there to assist, always with a smile on her face. It was just lovely. It was touching everything. Nothing was too much trouble. Even the drip when I was on having my infusions. It was on the stand, but the stand didn’t have wheels like we do in the UK, for you to take yourself to the toilet. Every time I needed to go, they happily came along. They detached me from my drip, let me go to the toilet, and would wait for me to come back and reattach me. They took care of everything.” 

That was a holiday for us as well. We had a little bit of sightseeing as well. And it was my birthday, as well as Christmas. They even looked after us on my birthday. It was just lovely.

Types of multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis can be classified into four types:

  1. Relapsing-remitting (RRMS): In this type of MS, attacks occur over time, and the disease does not seem to progress dramatically.
  2. Secondary progressive (SPMS): Relapses remit more steadily as the disease progresses.
  3. Primary progressive (PPMS): A progressive form of the disease occurs without having gone through any relapsing-remitting stages.
  4. Progressive relapsing MS (PRMS): An autoimmune disorder that steadily progresses from the beginning and exhibits occasional exacerbations.

How Carla’s life has changed after her first stem cell therapy

I first came across Swiss Medica back in 2016, when I had relapsing-remitting MS. We went to Russia, Moscow, to have my first treatment and the results were amazing. For the last five years, we have managed to do so many things that we couldn’t have done if I hadn’t had the treatment. We’ve been on family holidays, we’ve been sailing, I’ve taken my two eldest sons skiing, we’ve done trips to London, trips to Cornwall, surfing, all these things I wasn’t able to do back in 2016 before the treatment.

You might hear Oscar in the background, our new puppy, which we’ve had since January after my stem cell therapy treatment. Now I’m looking after the puppy which is like looking after a newborn child. Back in December, we couldn’t even entertain the idea of having a puppy, and now we’re enjoying him.

Now I’m 100% better than how I was this time last year, I can do things that I couldn’t do. I can walk my son to school, I can take part in extracurricular activities, and I can cook meals, gourmet meals, which my children would say they don’t like beans on toast, but they’d like a full-blown lasagna made from scratch. I can do all that now.

I’ve had friends. I can entertain friends, I can cook meals; load the dishwasher, reload the dishwasher, do the washing, I can do things that I couldn’t do back in and you know, just close to December. And it’s February now.

It is so much better. I don’t know how long it will last, but at the moment, it is fantastic. I’m enjoying every day. I’m doing circuits in the garden. I have seen more of my garden this month than I have in two years. I’ve been able to walk up and down the drive. I’m taking part in the parent taxi service. I’m swimming twice a week on top of that and up to 22 lengths. In December, it was at zero.

In the next month, I’m planning to include yoga on top. Also, I’m going to do a walk for charity in 10,000 steps a day for cancer research. We’ve booked a family holiday we didn’t go on one last year. This time I’m gonna be sailing a boat. That’s me being stubborn and not letting this MS get to me.

Every day is a new day. I am truly happy and truly grateful. I just feel brilliant, and I’m so excited. I feel I can be excited about my future and our future. I feel like I’m now a full-time mommy again. I’m almost a full-time wife again. I’ve been given a second chance, I’ve been born again.

 Why Carla returned to Swiss Medica in 2022 for her second stem cell therapy for MS

I have secondary progressive MS, and sometimes it really is hard to do anything at all. Since having my first stem cell therapy treatment with Swiss Medica, I feel so much better. Unfortunately, my disease progressed and I now have secondary progressive MS. This is why we decided to go back to Swiss Medica because of the success we had before.

So, this time around, I went to the clinic in Belgrade, Serbia, and they were second to none. Everybody from the arrival, from the housekeeping to the kitchen staff, to the doctors and nurses, everybody right from top to bottom. The care was incredible; everything was a slick process. I just felt so looked after. It helped me understand my disease more so that I can look after myself better. And that really is something that you can’t take for granted.

Improvements after second stem cell therapy

Because of Swiss Medica, and all the care and attention that I received, I’m now able to do a lot more than I could have done this time last year. I can cycle; I have a tricycle in which I can cycle to the village, and shop around the village. I can swim; I go swimming once a week. I’m able to run a business from home and I’m able to run a household with four strapping men. And keep going to socialize – I’ve just got back from a trip to New York with my girlfriends, which was an outstanding success. So, my ability to do things has improved greatly.

Again, I was really happy with my experience with Swiss Medica. I would recommend Swiss Medica any day for help with your disease at all levels. If you feel the need, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Get a free online consultation from a medical consultant to find out if stem cells would be effective in your case of MS.

Stem Cell Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis Review. Carla’s Story
Dr. Aleksandra Fetyukhina, MD

Medical Advisor, Swiss Medica doctor

What are the symptoms of multiple sclerosis?

The exact cause of MS is not known, but it is believed to be an autoimmune disorder that affects the central nervous system (CNS). As in the case of a virus or bacteria, the immune system attacks healthy tissue in those suffering from an autoimmune disease. In patients with MS, it is followed by axonal loss and myelin damage. Signs of the disease can appear at any time. The symptoms of some people develop over time and worsen, whereas the symptoms in others appear intermittently.

Here are some of the most common symptoms from ms personal stories: 

  • Pain and fatigue 
  • Numbness and tingling in the limbs
  • Muscle spasms, stiffness, and weakness
  • Impaired physical mobility
  • Speech and swallowing difficulties
  • Vision problems 
  • Bowel and bladder problems
  • Sexual problems
  • Problems with thinking, learning, and planning
  • Depression and anxiety

The majority of people with MS have only a few of these symptoms.

What is stem cell treatment for multiple sclerosis?

Stem cells are specialized cells that can replicate and divide or turn into specialized types of cells like nerves and blood cells. Stem cell therapy refers to any treatment that uses stem cells to treat or ease a medical condition, including neurodegenerative ones. In this regard, they are useful in treating MS.

Unlike disease-modifying drugs prescribed in MS, which often have serious side effects and adverse reactions, stem cell therapy is a ‘natural’ drug that is safe and well-tolerated in patients, according to multiple sclerosis success stories.

How stem cells work in patients with MS

MS stem cell therapy outcomes include:

  • Patients who used wheelchairs may regain the capacity to walk with support, while walker users may regain independence;
  • Better muscle toning;
  • Anti-fatigue;
  • Life quality improves;
  • Proper neuromuscular conduction;
  • Anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects.
Despite their healing properties, stem cells are not a guaranteed cure. The effectiveness of the therapy depends on multiple factors: initial condition, duration of the illness, age of the patient, hereditary predisposition, lifestyle, etc. Also, applying only stem cells for some cases is not always enough. Cell therapy works more effectively when combined with other therapeutic methods that help activate the tissue repair process.

How to enter the treatment program

A thorough approach to treatment used at Swiss Medica involves a variety of different therapies in addition to the use of stem cells. Our therapies are adapted to the patient’s particular requirements, objectives, and medical condition. 

Stages of multiple sclerosis stem cell therapy include:

  1. There is a preliminary consultation.
  2. The patient’s anamnesis is gathered by medical advisers (patient’s medical reports are required here).
  3. A panel of several physicians reviews the case, with a subsequent online appointment where the patient and doctor may discuss the treatment program and decide on the specifics of the course of action.
  4. Inpatient treatment at the Clinic according to the individually tailored treatment plan, including cell-based drug administration and additional therapies, if required.
  5. Follow-up after the discharge, when the patient stays in touch with specialists of the Clinic.

Peradventure you are currently at a crossroads of making a decision, or you know of someone who is being challenged with multiple sclerosis, information available here will help to get more on stem cell therapy for MS reviews and get help for individuals with this medical condition.

Get a free online consultation

Contact us to learn about the cost and duration of the treatment, and what are the expected results for your personal case.

Stem Cell Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis Review. Carla’s Story
Dr. Aleksandra Fetyukhina, MD

Medical Advisor, Swiss Medica doctor

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